Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I had a wierd day today,
At first it was boring, we talked & did homework. Next we got in the car and drove to Tintegal Castle where King Arther was born. Then we went into the Camelot Hotel and had hot chocolate. My mom and Ibby went on a tour of an artist's studio. My dad taught Sam and I to play chess. Outside the castle the wind was cool. It blew me down on my behind. We played like it was a hurricane, it was fun!
And then you can't guess what happened then! It was boring again (in the car).
At our hotel we went to the beach and explored caves and then we came back and went to the pool. We played in the pool. After that when i was taking a shower I got soap in my eyes. then we went back to the condo and ate dinner.

Eric in the Wind at Tintagel, Cornwall

Monday, November 8, 2010

I had a very exciting last couple days. We to the Cadbury chocolate factory, it tasted okay but it wasn't too exciting because the tour was closed. The next day we went to Warwick Castle. It was cool. We listened to a lady that told us how you heal people back then (1400's). When you got wounded in battle they would put in maggots and stuff you with pig fat. Boys my age would collect arrows during the battles. They would have to pull some of them out of dead bodies and they would reuse them. Sometimes they would be shot arrows.
The next day we left the hotel we were staying in. We went to Gloucester Cathedral and thats were they filmed some of Harry Potter. It was cool because it was different than what I thought it would be. It had a lot of old crypts. There were a lot of wierd statues of modern art.
In Bath we saw the HaHa Wall. The HaHa wall is where the rich people were separated from the sheep and poor people and we climbed it.*
Yeserday we drove to Cornwall and we are staying there now. We saw loads of really big waves, seagulls and an anciecnt crypt where the contents were removed in 1850 for a muesum.
The end.
P.S.* I'm happy nobody saw us.

Wierd Statutes in Gloucester

Climbing the Ha Ha Wall

Cornwall Coast in Newquay

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nov 3 Blog

Wednesday Nov. 3, 2010

Hi Again -
I had very different day.  We drove to a train station, we waited around for a long time, it seemed to me, and then we got on the train and looked out the window and saw an old bridge that collapsed into the Firth of Forth in Fife (this is a bay in the North Sea off the Atlantic Ocean) (this is a tongue twister).  We looked out the window until we got there.
We arrived in Edinburgh and we walked up a long hill to the Edinburgh Castle.  My dad ruptured his Achilles tendon so we had to push him up the hill to the castle in a wheelchair.  We saw an empty moat around the castle and crossed a draw bridge.    We saw the crown jewels of Scotland they were cool - we saw a sword, a sceptre, a ring,  and a crown.   We saw loads of cannons.  They shot out giant cannon balls (300 pounds) that flew for two miles.  I wonder how they would lift those up?  We went down into the vaults of the castle where prisoners of war were kept, some of them were Americans from the Revolutionary War. 
After the castle we went to St. Giles' Cathedral.  It was amazing.   All the stained glass was awesome.  The ceilings were really high up (maybe 60 feet tall) and there were loads of side rooms. 
We went home on the train.  The End.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov. 2 Tuesday

Eric Looking thru arrow sights at St Andrews Cathedral
Tuesday Nov. 2, 2010
Coat of Arms at Kellie's Castle 1573
I had an exciting day today.  We checked out Kellie's Castle.  I went across the bridge and there was a playground - it had wierd things like pegs sticking out of the ground and chains that we crossed.  Then we went to the St. Andrews Cathedral ruins and we saw old tombstones and we saw gaps in the walls where the Scottish army would shoot arrows toward invaders.  At a gift shop Sam and I bought two knights on horses.  After that we walked down to the English Channel and found sea shells.  Tomorrow we might go to Edinburgh.
P.S. Here's the pictures we missed yesterday ...
Nessie at Loch Ness

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Few Days ...

Hello Classmates
Oct. 29 & 30: I had a very long flight.  I left at 8:40 am o'clock on Friday and I landed on Saturday at 10:30 a.m.  In Scotland when I went to the boys bathroom there was no toilet.  Later we found a door to the rest of the bathroom.  We got a car.  I slept through the entire trip to where we are staying.  Sam, Adam, Pam and Trace Weisenburger showed up and we played all of the rest of the day, and chased pheasants.

October 31: The next day we found a secret fort.  There was a rope that I found and then Sam found the fort.  We showed Ibby and Adam the fort.  We had a "weekly bunny funny".  A weekly bunny funny is  when a bunny charges you and it happened to Sam.  The bunny veared but Sam never feared.

On the way to St. Andrews we saw a patch of white sheep and in the middle were two black sheep.  And we thought about two black sheep in the family.  And Sam and I made up a secret language.  One of the words in our secret lanuguage was "lut up" (be quiet).  We went to a Christmas store and on the drive we saw a graveyard and a very old church.  And I think it would be spooky if we were there tonight by ourselves.  The End.

Monday November 1
We drove and guess what ... we drove ... and drove to Loch Ness.   On the drive to Loch Ness we saw more than ten ringed neck pheasants.  I saw seagulls too.  A loch in Scotland is a lake.  There is susposed to be a monster in the loch named Nessie.    And I saw the Loch Ness  monster.  See my picture.  On the side of the lake there were a bunch of rocks from a 1000 years ago.  They say that's were Nessie tried to escape from the Loch.   The Loch used to be part of the ocean during the last iceage.  Some fish were caught in the lake after the iceage and became freshwater fish.  I had fish and chips for lunch.  Chips in  the United Kingdom are French fries. The drive home was the worst because it was raining hard with blowing wind and winding roads and we were driving on the left side of the road.